
Free program vera bradley employee handbook
Free program vera bradley employee handbook

Thus the metropoltan areas of northern New Jersey and New York cty and the densely populated Phladelpha- Camden-Trenton areas would experence a mnmum of nconvenence. The New Jersey CD-DC head ponted out that ths.coordnaton of tme would serve to mnmze confuson durng the ten mnute perod when all traffc wll cease and the publc wll take to shelters provded. Dgnan, actng state drector of Cvl Defense and Dsaster Control. Pennsylvana n a smultaneous publc partcpaton the afternoon of June 15 durng the naton-wde "Operaton uled g Alert 1955" exercse schedfor June 15 and 16, t was d b Th announced by Thomas S. The couple are parents of seven chldren., Gvl Defense Test June TRENTON New Jersey wll jon wth New York and.

free program vera bradley employee handbook

He s marred to the former Mary Jane Flemng of Mlddletown. Kelly, s a dlplomate of the Amercan Board of Internal Medcne and a member of the board of trustees of the Monmouth County Heart assocaton. Sheehan, who specalzes In Internal medcne wth hs brothern-law, Dr. Physcs consultaton and radologcal safety s.beng covered by Nuclear Consultants, Long Island Cty, N. Sheehan,who receved tranng n the new methods at the Radoactve Isotope dvson at Kngs County hosptal n Brooklyn, has been lcensed by the Atomc Enerr gy cotnmssloon. patent's thyrod, s tested wth a scntllaton counter an nstrument more senstve than a Geger counter. Tho drnk has sometmes been referred to as the "atomc cocktal." Twentyrfour hours after drnkng the soluton, the. Sheehan, as no preparaton Is necessary and the patent merely drnks a tasteless soluton of In water. Testng and treatment wth Iodne 131 s smply done, accordng to Dr. Sheehan's offce s the second place n the county to Introduce the use of radoactve odne and «the frst doctor's See In the county to have the new development. Ftkln hosptal recently developed ths faclty. of radoactve odne (Iodne 131) for the dagnoss of thyrod dsorders and the treatment of thyrod dsease, angna 1 pectorls and other cardac dsorders. Sheehan, Jr., has announced the ntroducton at hs offce at 79 West Front st. Iodne In Use Here One of the major clncal advances resultng from research n atomc energy s now avalable n Red Bank. After the program, refreshments, provded by the board of educaton, were served n classrooms by members of the Home and School assooaton. ed square dances were Wood, Chrstne Young, Eleane Jacke Swenson, Maureen Dougherty, Joy West, Mary Ellenberger, Corne'a Everett, Arlene Johnston, Mary Ellen Grassln, Dorothy Hauser, Marlon Lovgren, Sue Chamberlan, Beverly Fowler, Marlene Mller, Jharlotte Swenson, Amy Welch, Carolne Rock, Catherne Rock, Wley Lodge, Nelsa Everett, [lora Wood, Sondra Hazlett, Valere Wll, Patrca Mller and Mare Johnston. Other organzers of the varety show, left to rght, are Janet Robertshaw, Susan Kngdon, JoAnne Frtter and Peter Thompson. Stuart was serously njured whle playng baseball several weeks ago. Ott» Perl, charman of the Stuart ter medcal fund followng a varety show gvan Saturday by the Lafayette Street school puplt at Ralph hall, St. tendng to lead boats work promptly so the channel may away from deep water.,e In some knd of shape durng Penny Kngdon, rght, presents $117 to Mrs. > Ho begged the general to "tak» Rome channel markers are "off, approprate steps to start dredgng course. should be 12 some sx : wrote that he has been recevng where't should hp nne, j "daly complants from resdents Offcal, electronc nrasurementfl : about boats groundng In the ehanhavp proved that there are places! nel and that he urged that "funds along the rvers that do not meet be made avalable for an mmedlgovernm-nl standards for nuch, ate correcton." navgable streams. Rumson Polce Ask Councl For Pav Boost where t. Auchlncloss, who has been Those who wll be lcensed are a low tde depth of fve feet where j pressng heavly for dredgng nv Norman Sckels, Davd SckeU and ] t should be about eght nome 8' j provements on the two rvers. where markers show a safe channel should Some of thn "channel water" has alstant chef of engneerng for cvl works, Corps of Army Engneers. Heschner, u- docese of New Jersey and wll be permtted to partcpate n aervrps of the church In ther own parsh. Banyard of the I N'avesnk and Shrewsbury rver* to Brg. They wll receve lcenses from Bshop Alfred L. 1,800 Scouts, Leaders All Set For Camp-O-Ree Openng Frday NEW SHREWSBURY Some 1300 scouts and ther leaders from R l l n n a W M.), wrtten May 31 Fve to Be Lcensed As Church Lay Leaders Fve men of the congregaton of Trnty Epscopal churrh, Red Bank, wll b«lcensed as lay leaden at the 11 a.

free program vera bradley employee handbook


Free program vera bradley employee handbook